Take care of Heartburn and Have Acid reflux medicine

Acid reflux is characterised by a burning pain known as heart burn, it is felt around the lower chest area. It is caused by the acid flowing into the food pipe. It happens when some of the acidic contents come in the stomach and then go into the esophagus.  It can be affected by the risk factors includes obesity as well as obesity. Read below to know about Acid Reflux Medicine in details.
Acid reflux and Heart burn are closely related to each. Acid reflux is known as the backward flow of the stomach acid into the tube that works as a connector between the throat and stomach. Sometimes increase in this cause of Heartburn.
The basic Symptoms of Heartburn are a burning sensation or acidity in the chest and it also causes:
  • A sour taste at the back of the throat
  • A feeling of food presence in the throat
  • Dry cough
  • Hoarseness
  • Sore throat and difficulty during swallow
These symptoms sometimes come together with:
  • Lack of sufficient breathing or shortness of breath.
  • Radiation of the arms or sometimes even neck.
  • Feeling of cold sweat of dizziness.
  • Alcohol can relax the lower esophageal blockage.
  • Excess drinking of coffee, orange and other juices can increase the issue of heart burn.
  • Intake of fatty, fried foods and acidic foods that has high quantity of citric acid like oranges, grapes etc. along with the high spices food can also become the reason of heart burn.
  • One must keep a track of information which is best for his tolerance.

Anti reflux medicine includes Antacids that are over the counter medications like tums, Maalox, Rolaids, even oral suspension medicines can provide relief. Anti gas and anti-flatulence, even medications can be used to reduce acid production. It can help to open the block against acid production and healing of esophagus.
