Heart Burn and Acid Reflux, not so different

Heartburn is caused when the esophagus (the tube that connects the throat and stomach) consists of the tight band of muscles at the lower end that also disconnects after the food enters the stomach and works as a guard against the stomach to re-enter the esophagus. If this connector weakens or even get relaxed at the incorrect timings, stomach acid returns back to the connector tube. Continue reading to know more about the causes of Heartburn.

Acid reflux has some of the similarities to that of heartburn. What is Acid Reflux? In this case, some of the acid contents flow up in the tube that connects the throat and stomach- into the gullet that will move food down from the mouth.  The stomach contains the strong acid that is named as hydrochloric acid- that is used in breaking the pathogens like bacteria. It is also known acid indigestion, heartburn or pyrosis. The reason can be obesity, smoking, high intake of table salt, low dietary of fibre intake, low levels of physical exercise.

There are some medications like drugs of asthma, calcium-channel blockers, painkillers, sedatives, as well as antidepressants. It can be caused by caffeine intake or even alcohol.
Acid reflux and heartburn both are related each other. They both can be easily diagnosed but some symptoms make an individual confused. They can be:
  • Pneumonia
  • Chest Wall pain
  • Heart Attack
  • Pulmonary embolus
The main treatment

The heartburn and indigestion trigger after having ample quantity of fast food and soft drinks. It can also be caused by the excessive problem of acidity.

The liquid and tablet called antacids are used for cure these problem. They can provide a rapid relief but it is a short-term treatment reducing the problem. One must take care of these problems by decreasing the acidity and indigestion in the dietary system.
