Beware of GERD and Acid Reflux

GERD means gastroesophageal reflux disease is caused due to excessive acid in the stomach which can damage to the esophagus. Antacids, H2 blockers, and proton pump inhibitors are used for treatment. Medicines like Mylanta, Tums neutralize stomach acid. One can have the medicine which can reduce the production of stomach acid like cimetidine and famotidine (Pepcid).

What is GERD Medication?

Even H2 blockers can easily reduce the acid in the stomach, others are Proton pump inhibitors can also decrease the production of acid. Most of the GERD symptoms cannot be prevented by medicines. Besides, surgery is another option for stopping GERD coming back.

Acid reflux is caused due to the high amount of acidity in the stomach and generates the sensation of burning in the chest. Sometimes burning occurs in the upper and central part of the chest. It has the sour taste in the mouth, dry cough, hoarseness, sore throat as well as difficulty in swallowing.

What causes Acid Reflux?

Let’s discuss about what causes Acid Reflux. Some of the reasons are stated below:
  • Alcohol, coffee, and orange juices are some of the drinks that can increase the acid reflux.
  • Gastric food: high intake of food that creates gas
  • Increase in weight and excess weight increases the pressure of the stomach that also increases the chance of the acid flux in the esophagus.
  • Smoking interfere the proper function of the lower esophageal sphincter.
  • Eating large meals or even lying down right after the meal
  • Acidity ,Fast food: snacking close to the bedtime
  • Indigestion problem can be caused by high intake of meals without proper interval.
  • Breathing problem arises in the cold weather.
  • Certain food includes citrus, tomato, mint, chocolate, garlic, even tea.
  • Chest wall pain
  • Being pregnant
  • Sometimes medicines like aspirin, ibuprofen, medication and some muscle relaxer or even blood pressure make the reason of acid reflux.
