5 Foods or Drinks That Can Cause Immediate Acid Reflux

If you are looking for GERD medication, it is important to know the ways to prevent this disorder rather than finding the medications. There are some techniques which can be adopted to manage acid reflux to a great extent. You need to bring a few changes in your food habit. Moreover, you should take meals on time and you should give adequate rest to your body. When all these things happen, you shall get steady relief from GERD or acid reflux. When it comes to prevention of acid reflux, you need follow a few things. Here are top five foods or drinks for reducing risk of acid reflux.
1. Tomatoes
You should reduce consumption of tomatoes. This is one of those foods that cause acid reflux. So, if you are a chronic sufferer of acid reflux, you should not have this ingredient on your checklist for foods.
2. Fast Foods
If you are a sufferer or victim of frequent acid reflux, you must avoid eating fast foods or junk foods at any cost. These oily and spicy foodstuffs are not at all good for health. Moreover, they reduce our digestive power, causing major acid reflux inside stomach.
3. Alcoholic Drinks
If you are fond of alcoholic drinks, you need to reduce consumption of alcohol if acid reflux takes place. Alcohol is something that causes major acid reflux. You have high chances to attain heartburn or severe acidity, if you consume alcohol on daily basis.
4. Oranges
Patients of acid reflux are advised to avoid oranges, which can cause severe heartburn issues for them. Do not drink orange juice or consume oranges when you are already suffering from acid reflux.
5. Oily Foods
If your foods in daily diet consist of high amount of oil, you must opt for educing oil from the foods. Avoiding oily foods will reduce changes of facing heartburn.
So, there are the foods that cause acid reflux. Consult a medical expert or doctor to know more and to get advices.
