Refrain From The Foods That Cause Acid Reflux

Can you refrain from eating chocolates? If you love chocolate and you were asked to refrain from it, it is, certainly, difficult. Likewise, if you asked to avoid any other foods that you like, it may sound painful. However, when it comes to health, everything else becomes secondary. Without a good health, life on earth would prove to be quite tough. Again, the food consumed directly affects the health. Sometimes, the doctors proscribe from eating certain things. But that should not trouble you. After all, nothing is more important than health. There are several foods that cause acid reflux, and if you suffer from it; it is advisable to refrain from such food items.
Know the foods causing acid reflux
It is essential to know the foods that cause acid reflux if you suffer from it. It is only then you can keep them off the table and thus avoid acid reflux. All sorts of chocolate products trigger GERD and you need to avoid them. You may like to drink coffee, but it is not suitable. The tea, coffee, and all types of caffeinated products trigger acid reflux. Dairy products and spicy & fatty foods must be avoided if you are troubled by acid reflux. Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits should be kept at a distance as they cause acid reflux. Tomato, garlic, and onion are great triggers of acid reflux. The consumption of alcohol as well as the carbonated drinks needs to be avoided as they cause acid reflux.
What causes acid reflux in you?
Though several food items cause acid reflux, not all food items may trigger GERD in everyone. So, if you suffer from it, you need to first understand what is GERD and why it occurs. You can then note down the food items causing it in you then avoid repeating their consumption.
