What Provides the Best Acid Reflux Treatment

Many people stay overnight celebrating a new year or enjoying with friends at a beach resort consuming a big meal and on top of that drinking lot of alcohol. It is the chief cause of indigestion and leads to acid reflux. If you are looking for the best acid reflux treatment to get rid of discomfort and pain in the stomach, then read on.
Inexpensive H2 Receptor Blockers for best acid reflux treatment
To cure acid reflux and get rid of its symptoms, you can consume H2 Receptor Blockers including Zantac and Pepcid AC. It is useful for the treatment of mild acid reflux by reducing acid production in your stomach. It is suggested to consume this pill thirty minutes before intake of meals. It provides the best acid reflux treatment when compared to antacids.
Proton Pump Inhibitors to Treat Acid Reflux
You can consume Nexium, Prevacid, or Prilosec to repair the damaged esophageal tissues. You can buy these pills from a local store and use to get rid of acid reflux symptoms.
A better understanding of symptoms of acid reflux helps to choose remedies and stay healthy.
You will feel unbearable pain in your stomach and also severe pain in your heart. Other symptoms of acid reflux include vomiting, nausea, wheezing, persistent or a dry cough, recurrent pneumonia, dental erosion, pain or difficulty to swallow pain, laryngitis, soreness, asthma, upper abdominal pain, chest pain, and bad breath.
Some of the causes of acid reflux include lack of physical activity, obesity, smoking, use of painkillers, calcium channel blockers, and excessive weight.

You are advised to practice exercises regularly to lower weight. It is advised to include foods rich in fiber to promote digestion. It helps absorption of essential nutrients and helps to empty the stomach easily. 
